Administrator Guide

MIB Support for LAG
Dell Networking provides a method to retrieve the configured LACP information (Actor and Partner). Actor (local interface) is
to designate the parameters and flags pertaining to the sending node, while the term Partner (remote interface) is to designate
the sending nodes view of its peer parameters and flags. LACP provides a standardized means for exchanging information, with
partner systems, to form a link aggregation group (LAG). The following table lists the related MIB objects:
Table 117. MIB Objects for LAG
MIB Object OID Description
lagMIB 1.2.840.10006.300.43 Contains information about link
aggregation module for managing
lagMIBObjects 1.2.840.10006.300.43.1
dot3adAgg 1.2.840.10006.300.43.1.1
dot3adAggTable 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains information about every
Aggregator that is associated with a
dot3adAggEntry 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a list of Aggregator parameters
and indexed by the ifIndex of the
dot3adAggMACAddress 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a six octet readonly value
carrying the individual MAC address
assigned to the Aggregator.
dot3adAggActorSystemPriority 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a two octet readwrite value
indicating the priority value associated
with the Actors system ID.
dot3adAggActorSystemID 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a six octet readwrite MAC
address value used as a unique identifier
for the system that contains the
dot3adAggAggregateOrIndividual 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a readonly boolean value
(True or False) indicating whether the
Aggregator represents an Aggregate or
an Individual link.
dot3adAggActorAdminKey 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a 16bit readwrite value
which is the current administrative key.
dot3adAggActorOperKey 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a 16bit readwrite value
which is the operational key.
dot3adAggPartnerSystemID 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a six octet readonly MAC
address value consisting of an unique
identifier for the current Protocol
partner of the Aggregator.
dot3adAggPartnerSystemPriority 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a two octet readonly value
that indicates the priority value
associated with the Partners system ID.
dot3adAggPartnerOperKey 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains the current operational value of
the key for the Aggregators current
protocol partner.
dot3adAggCollectorMaxDelay 1.2.840.10006.300. Contains a 16bit readwrite attribute
defining the maximum delay, in tens of
microseconds, that may be imposed by
the frame collector between receiving a
frame from an Aggregator Parser, and
932 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)