Users Guide

Service Tag -- 15YQG02
Part Number -- 0CYFF2
Part Number Revision -- X00
LM CPLD -- 31
LM extended CPLD -- 30
SW Version -- 1-0(0-4854)
Available free memory: 1,664,086,016 bytes
Starting test: bcm56854AccessTest ......
+ Access Test for unit 0 : PASSED
bcm56854AccessTest .......................................... PASS
biosVerGetTest .............................................. PASS
boardRevisionTest ........................................... PASS
cpldAccessTest .............................................. PASS
Starting test: CpuGbeLinkStatusTest ......
+ GbE1 Link Status UP
+ GbE2 Link Status DOWN
CpuGbeLinkStatusTest ........................................ FAIL
cpuRevisionTest ............................................. PASS
cpuSdramPresenceTest ........................................ PASS
cpuSdramSizeTest ............................................ PASS
eepromTest .................................................. PASS
extenderCpldAccessTest ...................................... PASS
Starting test: hgLinkStatusTest ......
ERROR: Unit 0 hg port 30 is DOWN
ERROR: Unit 0 hg port 31 is DOWN
ERROR: Unit 0 hg port 32 is DOWN
hgLinkStatusTest ............................................ FAIL
Starting test: i2cTest ......
ERROR: ioctl: "SFP0" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=9 address=0x50 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "SFP1" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=10 address=0x50 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "SFP2" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=11 address=0x50 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "SFP3" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=12 address=0x50 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "SFP4" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=13 address=0x50 offset=0 length=1
ERROR: ioctl: "SFP5" op(1)=READ WITH STOP bus=14 address=0x50 offset=0 length=1
i2cTest ..................................................... FAIL
Starting test: opticEepromTest ......
ERROR: optic:1 is not present
ERROR: optic:5 is not present
ERROR: optic:9 is not present
ERROR: optic:13 is not present
ERROR: optic:17 is not present
ERROR: optic:21 is not present
opticEepromTest ............................................. FAIL
opticPhyTest ................................................ PASS
Starting test: opticPresenceTest ......
ERROR: optic:1 is not present
ERROR: optic:5 is not present
ERROR: optic:9 is not present
ERROR: optic:13 is not present
ERROR: optic:17 is not present
ERROR: optic:21 is not present
opticPresenceTest ........................................... FAIL
Starting test: pcieScanTest ......
17 PCI devices installed out of 17
pcieScanTest ................................................ PASS
rtcTest ..................................................... PASS
sataSsdTest ................................................. PASS
Starting test: showTemperature ......
+Board First Thermal Monitor Sensor[0] is 42.0 C
+Board First Thermal Monitor Sensor[1] is 37.0 C
+Board First Thermal Monitor Sensor[2] is 36.0 C
+Board First Thermal Monitor Sensor[3] is 37.0 C
CPU Temp 31 c
Debugging and Diagnostics