Users Guide

pe-id is a port-extender ID number from 0 to 255. You must enter a pe-id value; there is no default.
After you provision a PE, you can manage the PE by entering the pe pe-id command; for example:
Dell(conf)# pe 0
Dell(conf-pe-0)# show config
NOTE: Dell Networking OS recommends that before you congure the cascade ports on the parent control bridge,
ensure that the cascade ports have a default port conguration with no L2 and L3 conguration.
2 Congure the cascade ports on the parent control bridge used to connect to the PE. The cascade ports must be operationally up (the
no shutdown command) and have a default port conguration with no L2 and L3 conguration. The port interfaces must be the
same type. You can congure up to sixteen control bridge ports in the auto-LAG.
Dell(conf-pe-0)# cascade interface interface-type slot/port-range
NOTE: Dell Networking OS recommends not to use RPM Slots 10 and 11 for PE connectivity.
interface interface-type species a C9010 10-GbE interface. The only supported value is TenGigabitEthernet
slot/port-range species a C9010 10GbE port, including the slot number and either a single port number, a port range, or a
combination of both.
The range of slot numbers is from 0 to 9 for linecard slots. The range of port numbers is from 0 to 23.
Enter a port range with or without spaces; for example, cascade interface tengigabitethernet 0/1-5 or cascade
interface tengigabitethernet 0/1 - 5
: Provisioning a PE automatically creates a link aggregation group (LAG or port channel) on the controlling bridge.
The generated auto-LAG number is from 257 to 513. All cascade ports congured on the control bridge to connect to
the PE become member ports of the auto-LAG.
3 (Optional) You can add a PE description and stack-unit description using the description name and the stack-unit 0
description name commands respectively.
Dell(conf-pe-0)# description abc123Dell(conf-pe-0)# stack-unit 0 description FirstDell(conf-
pe-0)# stack-unit 1 description Second
4 (Optional) Provision a C1048P, N20xx, or N30xx for port-extender stacking. You can pre-provision a port extender so that the parent
C9010 dynamically discovers and automatically provisions the PE as a stack unit.
Dell(conf-pe-0)# stack-unit unit-id type unit-type
unit-id is a stack-unit ID number from 0 to 7.
unit-type is a stack-unit type.
5 Verify the provisioned conguration on a port extender.
EXEC Privilege mode
Dell# show pe pe-id
Dell# show pe brief
Dell# show interfaces port-channel brief
Example of Provisioning a Port Extender
Dell(conf)# interface range tengigabitethernet 1/0, tengigabitethernet 1/12
Dell(conf-if-te-1/0,te-1/12)# no shutdown
Dell(conf-if-te-1/0,te-1/12)# exit
Port Extenders (PEs)