Administrator Guide

show control-bridge status
show system
upgrade system
Run offline diagnostics on all stack-units.
C9000 Series
diag {stack-unit unit-number} [alllevels | level0 | level1 | level2]
[interactive] [testname name] [terminate]
Enter the stack-unit value to run offline diagnostic test on a specified stack-unit. The
stack-unit range is 0 to 7.
alllevels Enter the keyword all levels to run the complete set of offline diagnostic tests.
level0 Enter the keyword level0 to run Level 0 diagnostics. Level 0 diagnostics check for the
presence of various components and perform essential path verifications. In addition, they
verify the identification registers of the components on the board.
level1 Enter the keyword Level1 to run Level 1 diagnostics. Level 1 diagnostics is a smaller set
of diagnostic tests with support for automatic partitioning. They perform status/self test
for all the components on the board and test their registers for appropriate values. In
addition, they perform extensive tests on memory devices (for example, SDRAM, flash,
NVRAM, EEPROM, and CPLD) wherever possible. At this level, ports are shut down
level2 Enter the keyword level2 to run Level 2 diagnostics. Level 2 diagnostics are a full set of
diagnostic tests with no support for automatic partitioning. Level 2 diagnostics are used
primarily for on-board loopback tests and more extensive component diagnostics. Various
components on the board are put into Loopback mode and test packets are transmitted
through those components. These diagnostics also perform snake tests using VLAN
interactive Enter the keyword interactive to run offline diagnostics in interactive mode.
NOTE: On a C1048P, interactive diagnostic tests are supported only in
standalone mode; they are not supported in stacking mode.
Enter the testname name parameters to run a specified offline diagnostic test. Enclose
the test-case name in double quotes (“ “). For example: diag level1 testname
terminate Enter the keyword terminate to stop the offline diagnostic tests that are running.
Defaults All offline diagnostic tests are run on all switch CPUs (Control Processor, Route Processor, and line cards).
Command Modes EXEC Privilege
Usage Information
Before you use this command to run diagnostic test, make sure that the port extender (PE) stack-unit is offline
(offline stack-unitunit number command). You are prompted to reboot when the offline diagnostics is
The PE unit goes offline and reboots automatically after the test is completed. Once the test is finished, the diag
report is generated, and it is stored in the PE flash. To view the diag report, use the show diag pe pe-id
stack-unit unit-number command from C9000 system. The show diag pe command uploads the
TestReport from the PE to the C9000.
1172 PE Console Commands