Administrator Guide

Enter a number from 0 to 255 to filter based on the protocol identified in the IP protocol
icmp Enter the keyword icmp to configure an ICMP access list filter.
ip Enter the keyword ip to configure a generic IP access list. The keyword ip specifies that
the access list permits all IP protocols.
tcp Enter the keyword tcp to configure a TCP access list filter.
udp Enter the keyword udp to configure a UDP access list filter.
Enter an IP address in dotted decimal format of the network from which the packet was
(OPTIONAL) Enter a network mask in /prefix format (/x) or A.B.C.D. The mask, when
specified in A.B.C.D format, may be either contiguous or non-contiguous.
any Enter the keyword any to specify that all routes are subject to the filter.
Enter the keyword host and then enter the IP address to specify a host IP address or
(OPTIONAL) Enter one of the following logical operands:
eq = equal to
neq = not equal to
gt = greater than
lt = less than
range = inclusive range of ports (you must specify two ports for the port
port port
(OPTIONAL) Enter the application layer port number. Enter two port numbers if you are
using the range logical operand. The range is from 0 to 65535.
The following list includes some common TCP port numbers:
23 = Telnet
20 and 21 = FTP
25 = SMTP
169 = SNMP
Enter the IP address of the network or host to which the packets are sent.
(OPTIONAL) Enter an ICMP message type, either with the type (and code, if necessary)
numbers or with the name of the message type. The range is from 0 to 255 for ICMP
type and from 0 to 255 for ICMP code.
count (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword count to count packets the filter processes.
byte (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword byte to count bytes the filter processes.
dscp (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword dcsp to match to the IP DSCP values. The range is from
0 to 63.
order (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword order to specify the QoS order for the ACL entry. The
range is from 0 to 254 (where 0 is the highest priority and 254 is the lowest; lower-order
numbers have a higher priority). If you do not use the keyword order, the ACLs have the
lowest order by default (255).
fragments Enter the keyword fragments to use ACLs to control packet fragments.
log (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword log to include ACL matches in the log.
threshold-in msgs
(OPTIONAL) Enter the threshold-in-msgs keyword followed by a value to indicate
the maximum number of ACL logs that can be generated, exceeding which the generation
of ACL logs is terminated with the seq, permit, or deny commands. The threshold
range is from 1 to 100.
(OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword interval followed by the time period in minutes at
which ACL logs must be generated. The threshold range is from 1 to 10 minutes.
Access Control Lists (ACL) 241