Users Guide

Destination IP address
Source TCP port number
Destination TCP port number
Source UDP port number
Destination UDP port number
For more information about ACL options, refer to the Dell Networking OS Command Reference Guide.
For extended ACL, TCP, and UDP lters, you can match criteria on specic or ranges of TCP or UDP ports. For extended ACL TCP lters,
you can also match criteria on established TCP sessions.
When creating an access list, the sequence of the lters is important. You have a choice of assigning sequence numbers to the lters as
you enter them, or the system assigns numbers in the order the lters are created. The sequence numbers are listed in the display output
of the show config and show ip accounting access-list commands.
Ingress and egress Hot Lock ACLs allow you to append or delete new rules into an existing ACL (already written into CAM) without
disrupting trac ow. Existing entries in the CAM are shued to accommodate the new entries. Hot lock ACLs are enabled by default and
support both standard and extended ACLs and on all platforms.
NOTE: Hot lock ACLs are supported for Ingress ACLs only.
CAM Usage
The following section describes CAM allocation and CAM optimization.
User Congurable CAM Allocation
CAM Optimization
User-Congurable CAM Allocation
User-congurable content-addressable memory (CAM) allows you to specify the amount of memory space that you want to allocate for
To allocate ACL CAM, use the cam-acl command in CONFIGURATION mode. For information about how to allocate CAM for ACL
VLANs, see
Allocating ACL VLAN CAM.
The CAM space is allotted in lter processor (FP) blocks. The total amount of space allowed is 12 FP Blocks. System ow requires four
blocks; these blocks cannot be reallocated.
The ipv4acl prole range is from 0 to 8. When conguring space foripv6acl, the total number of Blocks must equal 12. The ipv6acl
allocation must be a factor of 2 (2, 4). If allocation values are not entered for the CAM regions, the value is 0.
Save the new CAM settings to the startup-cong (use write-mem or copy run start) then reload the system for the new settings
to take eect.
Test CAM Usage
The test cam-usage command is supported on the C9000 series.
This command applies to both IPv4 and IPv6 CAM proles, but is best used when verifying QoS optimization for IPv6 ACLs.
Access Control Lists (ACLs)