Users Guide

Setting the RMON Alarm
To set an alarm on any MIB object, use the rmon alarm or rmon hc-alarm command in GLOBAL CONFIGURATION mode.
Set an alarm on any MIB object.
[no] rmon alarm number variable interval {delta | absolute} rising-threshold [value event-
number] falling-threshold value event-number [owner string]
[no] rmon hc-alarm number variable interval {delta | absolute} rising-threshold value event-
number falling-threshold value event-number [owner string]
Congure the alarm using the following optional parameters:
number: alarm number, an integer from 1 to 65,535, the value must be unique in the RMON Alarm Table.
variable: the MIB object to monitor — the variable must be in SNMP OID format; for example, The object type
must be a 32-bit integer for the rmon alarm command and 64 bits for the rmon hc-alarm command.
interval: time in seconds the alarm monitors the MIB variable, the value must be between 1 to 3,600.
delta: tests the change between MIB variables, this option is the alarmSampleType in the RMON Alarm table.
absolute: tests each MIB variable directly, this option is the alarmSampleType in the RMON Alarm table.
rising-threshold value: value at which the rising-threshold alarm is triggered or reset. For the rmon alarm command,
this setting is a 32-bits value, for the rmon hc-alarm command, this setting is a 64-bits value.
event-number: event number to trigger when the rising threshold exceeds its limit. This value is identical to the
alarmRisingEventIndex in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB. If there is no corresponding rising-threshold event, the value should be
falling-threshold value: value at which the falling-threshold alarm is triggered or reset. For the rmon alarm command,
this setting is a 32-bits value, for the
rmon hc-alarm command this setting is a 64 bits value.
event-number: event number to trigger when the falling threshold exceeds its limit. This value is identical to the
alarmFallingEventIndex in the alarmTable of the RMON MIB. If there is no corresponding falling-threshold event, the value should be
owner string: (Optional) species an owner for the alarm, this setting is the alarmOwner object in the alarmTable of the RMON
MIB. Default is a null-terminated string.
Example of the rmon alarm Command
To disable the alarm, use the no form of the command.
The following example congures RMON alarm number 10. The alarm monitors the MIB variable (ifEntry.ifOutErrors)
once every 20 seconds until the alarm is disabled, and checks the rise or fall of the variable. The alarm is triggered when the value shows a MIB counter increase of 15 or more (such as from 100000 to 100015). The alarm then triggers event
number 1, which is congured with the RMON event command. Possible events include a log entry or an SNMP trap. If the value changes to 0 (falling-threshold 0), the alarm is reset and can be triggered again.
Dell(conf)#rmon alarm 10 20 delta rising-threshold 15 1 falling-
threshold 0
owner nms1
Remote Monitoring (RMON)