Administrator Guide

Enter the source IPv4 address in A.B.C.D format.
Enter the source IPv6 address in X:X:X:X::X format.
(OPTIONAL) Enter a network mask in /prefix format (/x) or A.B.C.D to match a range of
remote addresses. The default mask is /32 for IPv4 addresses and /128 for IPv6
addresses, which match only the specified address.
Defaults If you do not configure tunnel allow remote , all traffic which is destined to tunnel source address is decapsulated.
Command History
Version Description
9.9(0.0) Introduced on the C9010.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON.
9.3(0.1) Introduced on the S6000 and Z9000.
9.4(0.0) Introduced on the S4810, S4820T, S6000 and Z9000.
Usage Information
You can configure up to eight allow-remote entries on any multipoint receive-only tunnel.
This command fails if the address family entered does not match the outer header address family of the tunnel
mode, tunnel source, or any other tunnel allow-remote.
If you configure any allow-remote , the tunnel source or tunnel mode commands fail if the outer header address
family does not match that of the configured allow-remote.
tunnel destination
Set a destination endpoint for the tunnel.
C9000 Series
tunnel destination {ip-address | ipv6–address}
To delete a tunnel destination address, use the no tunnel destination {ip-address | ipv6–
address} command.
Enter the destination IPv4 address for the tunnel.
Enter the destination IPv6 address for the tunnel.
Defaults none
Command Modes INTERFACE TUNNEL (conf-if-tu)
Command History
Version Description
9.9(0.0) Introduced on the C9010.
9.7(0.0) Introduced on the S6000-ON.
9.3(0.0) Introduced on the S4810, S4820T, S6000 and Z9000.
Usage Information
The tunnel interface is inoperable without a valid tunnel destination address for the configured Tunnel mode.
To establish a logical tunnel to the particular destination address, use the destination address of the outer tunnel
header. If you configure a tunnel interface or source address, the tunnel destination must be compatible.
Tunneling Commands 1653