Users Guide

Example: Conguring Power Management Static Mode on the Port Extender
The following example congures the power management to Static mode on the port extender 0 on stack unit 0.
Dell(conf)#power inline mode pe 0 stack-unit 0 static
Example: Displaying PoE Power Allocation on a Port Extender
The following example displays the PoE power allocation on a specied port extender, using the show power inline {pe pe-id
stack—unit unit number | interface interface } command in EXEC and EXEC Privilege mode.
Dell#show power inline pe 0 stack-unit 0
Global inline power Threshold : 99
Power Reserved for inline Power :841W
Total Inline Power Consumed: 0W
Remaining inline power Available :841W
Power Management Mode : Static
Interface Inline Power Inline Power Class Device PoE Port LLDP
Max / Alloc Consumed Type Priority Support
(Watts) (Watts)
---------- ----------- ----------- ------ ------ ------- ------
PeGi 0/0/0 30.00/0.00 0.00 NO_PD - low 0
Allocate PoE Power to Powered Devices to a Connected PE
To enable inline power and congure the maximum power allocation and priority for the powered device connected to a port extender
interface, use the power inline {[max_milliwatts] | priority {critical | high | low}} command in Interface
mode. By default, power inline is disabled.
Port Prioritization
To specify the priority on a particular interface on the port extender, use the power inline priority command. When you reduce
the inline power available in a port extender, the lower priority interfaces are disabled initially then the higher priority interfaces are disabled.
Between equal priority ports, the port number determines which port is assigned the higher priority. Port 0 has the highest priority and port
47 has the lowest priority. For more information, see Managing Power Priorities and Managing Ports using Power Priority and the Power
On a port extender interface, you can congure one of the following priority levels: critical, high, and low. By default, all ports are set
When you reduce the available inline power, the order of priority for disabling the inline power to the interfaces is as follows:
1 Ports with low priority are shut down rst.
2 Ports with a high priority are shut down second.
3 Ports with a critical priority are shut down third.
: When you congure the ports with the same priority levels, the port number determines which port has the highest
priority (port 1 has the highest priority; port 48 has the lowest priority). The ports with the higher interface numbers for
inline power disable rst. The ports with the lower interface numbers have the highest priority. For example, if you
congure ports 1, 2, 47, and 48 with a low priority and the inline power available becomes less, PoE is disabled on the ports
in the following order:
a port 48
b port 47
c port 2
d port 1
Power over Ethernet (PoE) 809