Reference Guide

Total: 2127654912, MaxUsed: 406441984, CurrentUsed: 406417408,
CurrentFree: 1721237504
TaskName TotalAllocated TotalFreed MaxHeld CurrentHolding
f10appioserv 163840 0 0 86016
sysdlp 35016704 0 0 57663488
sysmon 24576 0 0 380928
sh 2433024 0 0 454656
flashmntr 61440 0 0 577536
inetd 45056 0 0 618496
rngd 32768 0 0 376832
mount_mfs 2441216 0 0 71548928
sh 2433024 0 0 634880
init 2428928 0 0 229376
[system] 0 0 0 111058944
sh 0 0 0 0
sh 0 0 0 0
tme 433054 0 433054 433054
ipc 33036 0 33036 33036
timerMgr 66072 0 66072 66072
sysAdmTsk 33036 0 330
Example (PE
Dell#show tech-support
------------------------------- show version ----------------------------
Dell Real Time Operating System Software
Dell Operating System Version: 2.0
Dell Application Software Version: 9.9(0.0)
Copyright (c) 1999-2015 by Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Build Time: Tue Sep 8 03:51:15 2015
Build Path: /sites/eqx/work/swbuild01_1/patch02/E9-9-0/SW/SRC
Dell Networking OS uptime is 6 day(s), 21 hour(s), 14 minute(s)
System image file is "system://B"
System Type: C1048P
Control Processor: Broadcom 56340 (ver A0)
with 1 Gbytes (1073741824 bytes) of memory, core(s) 1.
16G bytes of boot flash memory.
2 48-port GE
96 GigabitEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
------------------------------------ show clock --------------------------
11:41:10.577 UTC Thu Sep 17 2015
----------------------------------- show HA information -------------
-- Stack-unit Status --
Mgmt ID: 0
Stack-unit ID: 1
Stack-unit Redundancy Role: Primary
Stack-unit State: Active
Stack-unit SW Version: 9.9(0.0)
Link to Peer: Up
-- PEER Stack-unit Status --
Stack-unit State: Standby
Peer Stack-unit ID: 3
Stack-unit SW Version: 9.9(0.0)
-- Stack-unit Redundancy Configuration --
Primary Stack-unit: mgmt-id 0
Auto Data Sync: Full
Failover Type: Hot Failover
Auto reboot Stack-unit: Enabled
Auto failover limit: 3 times in 60 minutes
Control and Monitoring