Setup Guide

neighbor remote-as 2
neighbor no shutdown
neighbor 20::2 remote-as 2
neighbor 20::2 no shutdown
bfd all-neighbors
address-family ipv6 unicast vrf vrf1
neighbor 20::2 activate
Disabling BFD for BGP
You can disable BFD for BGP.
To disable a BFD for BGP session with a specied neighbor, use the rst command. To remove the disabled state of a BFD for BGP session
with a specied neighbor, use the second command.
The BGP link with the neighbor returns to normal operation and uses the BFD session parameters globally congured with the bfd all-
neighbors command or congured for the peer group to which the neighbor belongs.
Disable a BFD for BGP session with a specied neighbor.
neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} bfd disable
Remove the disabled state of a BFD for BGP session with a specied neighbor.
no neighbor {ip-address | peer-group-name} bfd disable
Displaying BFD for BGP Information
You can display related information for BFD for BGP.
To display information about BFD for BGP sessions on a router, use the following commands and refer to the following examples.
Verify a BFD for BGP conguration.
EXEC Privilege mode
show running-config bgp
Verify that a BFD for BGP session has been successfully established with a BGP neighbor. A line-by-line listing of established BFD
adjacencies is displayed.
EXEC Privilege mode
show bfd neighbors [interface] [detail]
Check to see if BFD is enabled for BGP connections.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ip bgp summary
Displays routing information exchanged with BGP neighbors, including BFD for BGP sessions.
EXEC Privilege mode
show ip bgp neighbors [ip-address]
Examples of Verifying BGP Information
The following example shows verifying a BGP conguration.
R2# show running-config bgp
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)