Setup Guide

file name : systemb
To boot from the network:
BOOT_USER # boot change primary
boot device : tftp
file name : FTOS-SI-9-5-0-169.bin
Server IP address :
4 Assign an IP address and network mask to the Management Ethernet interface.
BOOT_USER # interface management ethernet ip address ip_address_with_mask
For example,
5 Assign an IP address as the default gateway for the system.
default-gateway gateway_ip_address
For example,
6 The environment variables are auto saved.
7 Reload the system.
BOOT_USER # reload
Using Hashes to Verify Software Images Before
You can use the MD5 message-digest algorithm or SHA256 Secure Hash Algorithm to validate the software image on the ash drive, after
the image has been transferred to the system, but before the image has been installed. The validation calculates a hash value of the
downloaded image le on system’s ash drive, and, optionally, compares it to a Dell Networking published hash for that le.
The MD5 or SHA256 hash provides a method of validating that you have downloaded the original software. Calculating the hash on the
local image le, and comparing the result to the hash published for that le on iSupport, provides a high level of condence that the local
copy is exactly the same as the published software image. This validation procedure, and the verify {md5 | sha256} command to support
it, can prevent the installation of corrupted or modied images.
The verify {md5 | sha256} command calculates and displays the hash of any le on the specied local ash drive. You can compare the
displayed hash against the appropriate hash published on i-Support. Optionally, the published hash can be included in the verify {md5 |
sha256} command, which will display whether it matches the calculated hash of the indicated le.
To validate a software image:
1 Download Dell Networking OS software image le from the iSupport page to the local (FTP or TFTP) server. The published hash for
that le is displayed next to the software image le on the iSupport page.
2 Go on to the Dell Networking system and copy the software image to the ash drive, using the copy command.
3 Run the verify {md5 | sha256} [ ash://]img-le [hash-value] command. For example, verify sha256 ash://FTOS-SE-
4 Compare the generated hash value to the expected hash value published on the iSupport page.
To validate the software image on the ash drive after the image has been transferred to the system, but before the image has been
installed, use the verify {md5 | sha256} [ ash://]img-le [hash-value] command in EXEC mode.
md5: MD5 message-digest algorithm
sha256: SHA256 Secure Hash Algorithm
ash: (Optional) Species the ash drive. The default is to use the ash drive. You can just enter the image le name.
Switch Management