White Papers

Include a specied number of bytes of packet overhead to include in rate limiting, policing, and shaping calculations.
qos-rate-adjust overhead-bytes
For example, to include the Preamble and SFD, enter qos-rate-adjust 8. For variable length overhead elds, know the number of
bytes you want to include.
The default is disabled.
The range is from 1 to 31.
Enabling Strict-Priority Queueing
In strict-priority queuing, the system de-queues all packets from the assigned queue before servicing any other queues. You can assign
strict-priority to one unicast queue, using the strict-priority command.
Policy-based per-queue rate shaping is not supported on the queue congured for strict-priority queuing. To use queue-based rate-
shaping as well as strict-priority queuing at the same time on a queue, use the Scheduler Strict feature as described in Scheduler Strict.
The strict-priority supersedes bandwidth-percentage and bandwidth-weight percentage congurations.
A queue with strict priority can starve other queues in the same port-pipe.
NOTE: Assigning strict priority scheduling to a unicast queue on all ports using a global command is not supported.
However, you can congure both unicast and multicast queue belonging to a dot1p to use strict priority scheduling using
policy maps and then associate the policy map to the egress interface.
Weighted Random Early Detection
Weighted random early detection (WRED) is a congestion avoidance mechanism that drops packets to prevent buering resources from
being consumed.
: On the switch, WRED and Explicit Congestion Notication (ECN) marking are supported on front-end I/O and backplane
HiGig ports. When you enable WRED, packets are dropped during times of network congestion based on the congured minimum
and maximum WRED thresholds. ECN marks packets for later transmission (instead of dropping them) when the network
recovers from a heavy trac condition. For information about how to congure weights for WRED and ECN operation, see
Conguring Weights and ECN for WRED.
Trac is a mixture of various kinds of packets. The rate at which some types of packets arrive might be greater than others. In this case,
the space on the buer and trac manager (BTM) (ingress or egress) can be consumed by only one or a few types of trac, leaving no
space for other types. You can apply a WRED prole to a policy-map so that specied trac can be prevented from consuming too much
of the BTM resources.
WRED uses a prole to specify minimum and maximum threshold values. The minimum threshold is the allotted buer space for specied
trac, for example, 1000KB on egress. If the 1000KB is consumed, packets are dropped randomly at an exponential rate until the maximum
threshold is reached (as shown in the following illustration); this procedure is the “early detection” part of WRED. If the maximum threshold,
for example, 2000KB, is reached, all incoming packets are dropped until the buer space consumes less than 2000KB of the specied
Quality of Service (QoS)