Users Guide

3. Click Generate and move the mouse in the window as directed.
After the key is created, you can modify the key comment field.
You can also enter a passphrase to make the key secure. Ensure that you save the private key.
4. You have two options for using the public key:
Save the public key to a file to upload later.
Copy and paste the text from the Public key for pasting window when adding the account using the text
Generating Public Keys for Systems Running Linux
The ssh-keygen application for Linux clients is a command line tool with no graphical user interface. Open a terminal
window and at the shell prompt type:
ssh-keygen –t rsa –b 1024 –C testing
–t must be dsa or rsa.
–b specifies the bit encryption size between 768 and 4096.
–c allows modifying the public key comment and is optional.
The <passphrase> is optional. After the command completes, use the public file to pass to the RACADM for
uploading the file.
RACADM Syntax Notes for CMC
When using the racadm sshpkauth command, ensure the following:
For the –i option, the parameter must be svcacct. All other parameters for -i fail in CMC. The svcacct is a
special account for public key authentication over SSH in CMC.
To log in to the CMC, the user must be service. Users of the other categories do have access to the public keys
entered using the sshpkauth command.
Viewing Public Keys
To view the public keys that you have added to the CMC, type:
racadm sshpkauth –i svcacct –k all –v
To view one key at a time, replace all with a number from 1 – 6. For example, to view key 2, type:
racadm sshpkauth –i svcacct –k 2 –v
Adding Public Keys
To add a public key to the CMC using the file upload -f option, at the commond line interface console, enter:
racadm sshpkauth –i svcacct –k 1 –p 0xfff –f <public key file>
NOTE: You can use only the file upload option with remote RACADM. For more information, see
Management Controller for PowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command Line Reference Guide
To add a public key using the text upload option, enter:
racadm sshpkauth –i svcacct –k 1 –p 0xfff –t “<public key text>”
Deleting Public Keys
To delete a public key, run the following command:
racadm sshpkauth –i svcacct –k 1 –d