Users Guide

To delete all public keys, run the following command:
racadm sshpkauth –i svcacct –k all –d
Configuring Terminal Emulation Software
CMC supports a serial text console from a management station running one of the following types of terminal emulation
Linux Minicom.
Hilgraeve’s HyperTerminal Private Edition (version 6.3).
Complete the tasks in the following subsections to configure the required type of terminal software.
Configuring Linux Minicom
Minicom is a serial port access utility for Linux. The following steps are valid for configuring Minicom version 2.0. Other
Minicom versions may differ slightly, but require the same basic settings. To configure other versions of Minicom, see
the information in the section Required Minicom Settings of this User's Guide.
Configuring Minicom Version 2.0
NOTE: For best results, set the cfgSerialConsoleColumns property to match the number of columns. Be aware that
the prompt consumes two characters. For example, for an 80-column terminal window:
racadm config –g cfgSerial –o
cfgSerialConsoleColumns 80.
1. If you do not have a Minicom configuration file, go to the next step. If you have a Minicom configuration file, type
minicom<Minicom config file name>, and then go to step 12.
2. At the Linux command prompt, type minicom -s.
3. Select Serial Port Setup and press <Enter>.
4. Press <a>, and then select the appropriate serial device (for example, /dev/ttyS0).
5. Press <e>, and then set the Bps/Par/Bits option to 115200 8N1.
6. Press <f>, and then set Hardware Flow Control to Yes and set Software Flow Control to No. To exit the Serial Port
menu, press <Enter>.
7. Select Modem and Dialing and press <Enter>.
8. In the Modem Dialing and Parameter Setup menu, press <Backspace> to clear the init, reset, connect, and hangup
settings so that they are blank, and then press <Enter> to save each blank value.
9. When all specified fields are clear, press <Enter> to exit the Modem Dialing and Parameter Setup menu.
10. Select Exit From Minicom and press <Enter>.
11. At the command shell prompt, type minicom <Minicom config file name>.
12. To exit Minicom, press <Ctrl><a>, <x>, <Enter>.
Make sure that the Minicom window displays a login prompt. When the login prompt appears, your connection is
successful. You are now ready to login and access the CMC command line interface.
Required Minicom Settings
See the following table to configure any version of Minicom.