Users Guide

Use the up and down arrow buttons to highlight an item in the menu, or highlight the Back icon if you want to return to
the Main Menu screen.
To activate your selection, press the center button.
LCD Language
The LCD Language screen allows you to select the language used for LCD panel messages. The currently active
language is highlighted with a light blue background.
1. Use the up, down, left, and right arrow buttons to highlight the desired language.
2. Press the center button. The Accept icon appears and is highlighted.
3. Press the center button to confirm the change. The LCD Setup menu is displayed.
Default Screen
The Default Screen allows you to change the screen that the LCD panel displays when there is no activity at the panel.
The factory default screen is the Main Menu. You can choose from the following screens to display:
Main Menu
Front Status (front graphical view of the chassis)
Rear Status (rear graphical view of the chassis)
Side Status (left graphical view of the chassis)
Custom (Dell logo with chassis name)
The currently active default screen is highlighted in light blue color.
1. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the screen you want to set to the default.
2. Press the center button. The Accept icon is highlighted.
3. Press the center button again to confirm the change. The Default Screen is displayed.
The LCD panel helps you to diagnose issues in any server or module in the chassis. If there is an issue or fault with the
chassis or any server or other module in the chassis, the LCD panel status indicator blinks amber. On the Main Menu, an
icon with an amber background displays next to the menu item—Server or Enclosure—that leads to the faulty server or
By following the amber icons through the LCD menu system, you can display the status screen and error messages for
the item that has the issue.
Error messages on the LCD panel can be removed by removing the module or server that is the cause of the issue, or by
clearing the hardware log for the module or server. For server errors, use the iDRAC web interface or command line
interface to clear the server’s System Event Log (SEL). For chassis errors, use the CMC web interface or command line
interface to clear the hardware log.
Front Panel LCD Messages
This section contains two subsections that list error and status information that is displayed on the front panel LCD.
Error messages
on the LCD have a format that is similar to the System Event Log (SEL) viewed from the CLI or Web
The tables in the error section list the error and warning messages that are displayed on the various LCD screens and
the possible cause of the message. Text enclosed in angled brackets (< >) indicates that the text may vary.