Command Line Reference Guide

Description Displays the IPv6 address for DNS server 2.
Legal Values None
Default None
racadm getconfig -g cfgCurrentIPv6LanNetworking
# cfgCurrentIPv6Enabled=1
# cfgCurrentIPv6AutoConfigWasUsed=1
# cfgCurrentLinkLocalAddress=fe80::21e:4fff:fe1f:5371/64
# cfgCurrentIPv6Address1=2009:123::e48f:9dd8:6f51:a669/64
# cfgCurrentIPv6Address2=fd88:1::21e:4fff:fe1f:5371/64
# cfgCurrentIPv6Address3=fd88:2::21e:4fff:fe1f:5371/64
# cfgCurrentIPv6Gateway=fe80::21c:23ff:fe77:6215
# cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServersFromDHCP6=1
# cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServer1=2009:123::1
# cfgCurrentIPv6DNSServer2=::
This group enables users to configure the advanced network interface parameters for the RAC NIC or CMC. When
configured, the updated settings may take up to a minute to become active.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the cfgNetTuning group.
CAUTION: Use extra precaution when modifying properties in this group. Inappropriate modification of the
properties in this group can result in your RAC NIC become inoperable.
Description Specifies the speed for the CMC NIC. This property is used
only if cfgNetTuningNicAutoNeg is set to 0.
Legal Values 10, 100, or 1000
Default 100
cfgNetTuningNicAutoneg (Read/Write)
Description Enables autonegotiation of physical link speed and duplex.
If enabled, autonegotiation takes priority over other values
set in this group.
Legal Values
0 = Auto Negotiation is Disabled
1 = Auto Negotiation is Enabled
Default 1