Owner's Manual

136 Using the CMC Web Interface
Configuring Power Budgeting
The CMC allows you to budget and manage power to the chassis. The power
management service optimizes power consumption and re-allocates power to
different modules based on the demand.
For instructions on configuring power through the CMC, see "Configuring
and Managing Power" on page 183.
For more information on the CMC’s power management service, see "Power
Management" on page 175.
Table 5-10. Remote RACADM Settings
Setting Description
Enabled Enables the remote RACADM utility access to the CMC.
Default: Checked (enabled)
Max Sessions Indicates the maximum number of simultaneous
RACADM sessions allowed for the chassis. A change to this
property takes effect at the next login; it does not affect
current Active Sessions (including your own).
Allowed range: 1–4
Default: 4
NOTE: If you change the Max Sessions property to a value
less than the current number of Active Sessions and then log
out, you cannot log back in until the other sessions have been
terminated or expired.
Idle Timeout Indicates the number of seconds before an idle racadm
session is automatically disconnected. A change to the Idle
Timeout setting takes effect at the next login; it does not
affect the current session. To disable the Idle Timeout
feature, enter 0.
Default: 300 seconds