Owner's Manual

Power Management 189
Table 7-9. Power Budgeting
Item Description
System DC
Max Power
Displays the Maximum DC power, in watts, the available PSUs can
supply to the system.
Indicates the amount of redundant power (in watts) in reserve that
can be utilized in the event of an AC grid or PSU failure.
When the chassis is configured to operate in AC Redundancy
mode, the DC Redundancy Reserve is the amount of reserve power
that can be utilized in the event of an AC grid failure.
When the chassis is configured to operate in Power Supply
Redundancy mode, the DC Redundancy Reserve is the amount of
reserve power that can be utilized in the event of a specific PSU
DC Power
Allocated to
Indicates the cumulative DC power, in watts, the CMC is allocated
to servers based on their configuration.
DC Power
Allocated to
Indicates the cumulative DC power, in watts, the CMC is
allocating to the chassis infrastructure (fans, IO modules, iKVM,
CMC, standby CMC, and iDRACs on the servers).
Total DC Power
Available for
Indicates the total chassis power budget, in watts, available for
chassis operation.
Standby DC
Power Capacity
Indicates the amount of power, in watts, available to be provided by
the PSUs that are in standby mode. This power can be allocated to
any hardware modules that are either added to the chassis or
brought online.