Owner's Manual

Troubleshooting and Recovery 239
You can add and configure SNMP alerts using the Web interface or
Using the Web Interface
NOTE: To add or configure SNMP alerts, you must have Chassis Configuration
Administrator and Network Administrator privileges.
NOTE: For added security, Dell strongly recommends that you change the default
password of the root (User 1) account. The root account is the default
administrative account that ships with the CMC. To change the default password for
the root account, click User ID 1 to open the User Configuration page. Help for that
page is available through the Help link at the top right corner of the page.
Log in to the CMC Web interface.
in the system tree.
Temperature Probe Failure The temperature is either too high or too low for proper
Redundancy Degraded Redundancy for the fans and/or power supplies has been
Redundancy Lost No redundancy remains for the fans and/or power
Power Supply Warning The power supply is approaching a failure condition.
Power Supply Failure The power supply has failed.
Power Supply Absent An expected power supply is not present.
Hardware Log Failure The hardware log is not functioning.
Hardware Log Warning The hardware log is almost full.
Server Absent An expected server is not present.
Server Failure The server is not functioning.
KVM Absent An expected KVM is not present.
KVM Failure The KVM is not functioning.
IOM Absent An expected IOM is not present.
IOM Failure The IOM is not functioning.
Table 10-1. Chassis Events That Can Generate SNMP and E-mail Alerts (continued)
Event Description