Owner's Manual

330 CMC Property Database Group and Object Definitions
NOTE: In the current CMC firmware version, the objects cfgUserAdminEnable and
cfgUserAdminPrivilege are interrelated; changing the value of one property causes
the value of the other property to change. For example, if a user does not have login
privilege, the user is disabled by default. When you enable the user by changing the
value of UserAdminEnable to 1, the right most digit of the UserAdminPrivilege will
also become 1. On the other hand, if you change the right most digit of the
UserAdminPrivilege to 0, the value of UserAdminEnable will become 0.
NOTE: Use this object with the config or getconfig subcommands.
NOTE: To use this object property, you must have Chassis Configuration
Administrator privilege.
NOTE: You can configure any setting that is not preceded by the hash sign (#) in the
output. To modify a configurable object, use the -o option.
Displays information for and configures CMC users.
# cfgUserAdminIndex
Read only. Displays the index name.
Enables or disables an individual user.
Configuration options: 1 (true), 0 (false)
Default: 0
Displays/sets the name of the user for the specified index name. The user
index is created by writing a string into this name field if the index is empty.
Writing a string of double quotation marks ("") deletes the user at that index.
To change the name, you must delete and then re-create the name. The string
cannot contain "/" (forward slash), "\" (backslash), "." (period), "@" ("at") or
quotations marks.
Legal value: String of up to 16 characters