Owner's Manual

CMC Property Database Group and Object Definitions 341
racadm config -g cfgAlerting -o cfgAlertingEnable
Object value modified successfully.
NOTE: Use this object with the config or getconfig subcommands.
NOTE: To use this object property, you must have Chassis Configuration
Administrator privilege.
NOTE: You can configure any setting that is not preceded by the hash sign (#) in the
output. To modify a configurable object, use the -o option.
Configures CMC tuning parameters.
Enables or disables the Remote RACADM interface in the CMC.
Configuration options: 1 (true), 0 (false)
Default: 1
Enables and disables the CMC Web server. If this property is set to 0
(FALSE, or disabled), you cannot access the CMC through client Web
browsers or remote RACADM. This property has no effect on the
Telnet/SSH/serial or local RACADM interfaces.
Configuration options: 1 (true), 0 (false)
Default: 1
Specifies the port number to use for HTTP network communication with the
Configuration range: 10–65535
Default: 80