User's Manual

212 Power Management
Table 8-10. Server Modules
Item Description
Slot # Displays the location of the server module. The Slot # is a
sequential number (1–16) that identifies the server module by its
location within the chassis.
Name Displays the server name. The server name can be redefined by the
Ty p e Displays the type of the server.
Priority Indicates the priority level allotted to the server slot in the chassis
for power budgeting. The CMC uses this value in its calculations
when power must be reduced or reallocated based on user-defined
power limits or power supply or power grid failures.
Priority levels: 1 (highest) through 9 (lowest)
Default: 5
NOTE: Server slot priority level is associated with the server slot—
not with the server inserted into the slot. If you move a server to a
different slot in the chassis or to a different chassis, the priority
previously associated with new slot determines the priority of the
relocated server.
Power State Indicates the current state of the server, ON or OFF.
Indicates the power budget allocation for the server module.
Table 8-11. System Power Supplies
Item Description
Name Displays the name of the PSU in the format PS-n, where n, is the
PSU number.
Power State Indicates the power state of the PSU — On, Initializing, Online,
Stand By, In Diagnostics, Failed, Redundant, Unknown, or Absent
Capacity Displays the maximum DC power rating of the PSU.