User's Manual

RACADM Subcommands 329
PWR 1 PS-1 Online OK
PWR 2 PS-2 Online OK
PWR 3 PS-3 Online OK
PWR 4 PS-4 Slot Empty N/A
PWR 5 PS-5 Failed OK
PWR 6 PS-6 Slot Empty N/A
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have Administrator privilege.
Issues a soft or hard reset to the CMC. The reset event is written into the
CMC log. When this command is executed without the hard option, racreset
executes a soft reset. A hard reset performs a deep reset operation on the
CMC. A hard reset should only be performed as a last-case resort to recover
the CMC.
NOTICE: You must reboot your system after performing a hard reset of the CMC.
See "racreset" on page 329.
NOTICE: When you issue a racreset subcommand, the CMC may require up to one
minute to return to a usable state.
racadm racreset [hard | soft]
Table A-25 describes the racreset subcommand options.
Table A-25. racreset Subcommand Options
Option Description
hard A hard reset performs a deep reset operation on the remote access
controller. A hard reset should only be used as a last-case resort for
CMC recovery purposes.
soft A soft reset performs a graceful reboot operation on the CMC.