Owner's Manual

file:///T|/htdocs/SOFTWARE/smdrac3/cmc/cmc1.20/en/readme/CMC_120_A00_README_final.txt[10/26/2012 2:28:35 PM]
Email Alerts and SNMP Traps will pop up a Security Information message
stating that the page contains both secure and non secure items and
will ask if you want to continue. Please select "Yes". This is because
the Internet Explorer Version 6 does not allow the use of hidden IFRAMES
on secure (SSL) pages. (183022)
* In Firefox Version 1.5, you must manually refresh pages. Automatic
page updating is not fully supported in this version of the Firefox
* In Internet Explorer Version 6, after updating the Active CMC you
may need to close the browser used to login to the CMC before
attempting to login again. (232942)
* CMC firmware 1.2 has enhanced the power allocation algorithms to
allow blade servers to receive higher power allocations. If a user
downgrades the CMC to 1.10 or earlier firmware version, blades with
the new higher power allocations could be powered off because the
earlier firmware cannot support the higher chassis power allocations.
If this occurs, you must power the blade back on. (230143)
* After a CMC reset, the CMC may require up to 30 seconds after the
serial login prompt is displayed before RACADM commands will be
accepted. Commands issues prior to that time may receive the
message "ERROR: Unable to perform requested operation."
* RACADM CLI based command line tool uses TFTP or FTP to transfer
image files for all firmware updates. For TFTP transfers only,
the default port (69) is supported for transfers with version 1.20.
* Clearing the CMC Log can take a long time. Please allow up to
one (1) minute for this operation to complete.(152860)
* If the CMC is on a private network without access to the Internet
and you are using Internet Explorer 6 SP 2 or Internet Explorer 7,
you may experience delays of up to 30 seconds when using remote
RACADM commands. (161019)
* Some USB-to-serial adapters have been found to generate a large number of
spurious interrupts when plugged in. If the adapter is connected to
the CMC's serial port when this happens, the CMC can become overloaded
when attempting to service these interrupts and may reboot. This problem is
exacerbated when the serial cable is very long, causing voltage levels to
drop and noise on the serial line to increase. To avoid this issue, Dell
recommends first connecting the USB-to-serial adapter into the USB port,
before connecting to the CMC. Dell also recommends disconnecting
the adapter from the CMC before rebooting or performing other power
management functions on a system that is attached to the CMC. (180373)