User's Manual

224 Power Management
Table 8-4 provides descriptions of the information provided on the
Supply Status
See Viewing Power Budget Status below.
Viewing Power Budget Status
The CMC provides power status overviews of the power subsystem on the
Power Budget Status page.
Table 8-4. Power Supply Health Status Information
Item Description
Present Indicates whether the PSU is Present or Absent.
Health OK Indicates that the PSU is present and
communicating with the CMC. In the event of
a communication failure between the CMC
and the fan unit, the CMC cannot obtain or
display health status for the PSU.
Warning Indicates that only Warning alerts have been
issued, and corrective action must be taken
within the time frame set by the administrator.
If corrective actions are not taken within the
administrator-specified time, it could lead to
critical or severe power failures that can affect
the integrity of the chassis.
Severe Indicates at least one Failure alert has been
issued. Failure status indicates a power failure
on the chassis, and corrective action must be
taken immediately.
Name Displays the name of the PSU: PS-n, where n is the power supply
Power Status Indicates the power state of the power supplies (one of the
following): Initializing, Online, Stand By, In Diagnostics, Failed,
Redundant, Offline, or Absent (missing).
Capacity Displays the power capacity in watts.