User's Manual

Troubleshooting and Recovery 289
Open a Telnet/SSH text console to the CMC and log in.
NOTE: Only one filter mask may be set both SNMP and email alerting. You
may skip step 2 if you have already selected filter mask.
Enable alerting by typing:
racadm config -g cfgAlerting -o cfgAlertingEnable
Specify the events for which you want the CMC to generate by typing:
racadm config -g cfgAlerting -o
cfgAlertingFilterMask <
mask value
<mask value>
is a hex value between 0x0 and 0x003fffdf.
To obtain the mask value, use a scientific calculator in hex mode and add
the second values of the individual masks (1, 2, 4, etc.) using the <OR>
For example, to enable trap alerts for Battery Probe Warning (0x2), Power
Supply Failure (0x1000), and KVM failure (0x80000), key 2 <OR> 1000
<OR> 200000 and press the <=> key.
The resulting hex value is 208002, and the mask value for the RACADM
command is 0x208002.
Table 11-2. Event Traps Filter Masks
Event Filter Mask Value
Fan Probe Failure 0x1
Battery Probe Warning 0x2
Temperature Probe Warning 0x8
Temperature Probe Failure 0x10
Redundancy Degraded 0x40
Redundancy Lost 0x80
Power Supply Warning 0x800
Power Supply Failure 0x1000
Power Supply Absent 0x2000