User's Manual

RACADM Subcommands 321
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have Clear Logs Administrator privilege.
Removes all existing records from the system events log (SEL, or hardware
log). A new log entry is added to record the date and time when the log was
cleared, and the user who cleared the log.
NOTE: To view the hardware log, use getsel. For information about the hardware
log, see "Viewing the Hardware Log" on page 300.
racadm clrsel
NOTE: The -A and -o options do not generate additional output and are supported
to provide backward compatibility for existing scripts.
The SEL was cleared successfully.
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have Administrator privilege.
Changes the state of the CMC from active to standby, or vice versa, in a
redundant CMC configuration. This subcommand is useful for remote
debugging or testing purposes.
NOTE: This command is valid only in redundant CMC environments. For more
information, see "Understanding the Redundant CMC Environment" on page 55.
racadm cmcchangeover
CMC failover initiated successfully.