User's Manual

RACADM Subcommands 337
server-8 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
server-9 Extension(1) FibreChannel 8 OK
Infiniband DDR OK
server-10 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
server-11 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
server-12 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
server-13 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
server-14 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
server-15 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
server-16 Not Present None N/A
None N/A
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have CMC Login User privilege.
Displays enabled/disabled status for the entire chassis. If used with -i, the
command displays MACs/WWN on a per slot basis.
NOTE: If FlexAddress is not activated on the chassis, the command displays
server-assigned MAC/WWN addresses. If the slot is empty, the command will
return an error message.
racadm getflexaddr [-i <slot#>]
<slot#> = 1 to 16
Table A-12 describes the getflexaddr subcommand options.