User's Manual

RACADM Subcommands 381
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have Chassis Configuration
Administrator privilege.
Generates and downloads an SSL certificate signing request (CSR) from the
CMC to your management station or shared network. You can use the CSR to
create a custom SSL certificate for transactions on the CMC.
racadm sslcsrgen [-g]
racadm sslcsrgen [-g] [-f <
racadm sslcsrgen [-s]
Table A-38 describes the sslcsrgen subcommand options.
NOTE: The -f option is not supported for the serial/Telnet/SSH console.
NOTE: If no options are specified, a CSR is generated and downloaded to the local
file system as sslcsr by default.
Table A-38. sslcsrgen Subcommand Options
Option Description
-g Generates a new CSR. The -g option cannot be used with the -s
-s Returns the status of a CSR generation process:
CSR was generated successfully.
CSR does not exist.
CSR generation in progress.
The -s option cannot be used with the -g option.
-f <filename> Specifies the filename where the CSR will be downloaded. Can
only be used with the -g option.