User's Manual

394 CMC Property Database Group and Object Definitions
Displays/sets the name of the user for the specified index name. The user
index is created by writing a string into this name field if the index is empty.
Writing a string of double quotation marks ("") deletes the user at that index.
To change the name, you must delete and then re-create the name. The string
cannot contain "/" (forward slash), "\" (backslash), "." (period), "@" ("at") or
quotations marks.
Legal value: String of up to 16 characters
# cfgUserAdminPassword
Write only. Displays the password for this user index as a series of asterisks
(*). It cannot be seen or displayed after this property is written.
Specifies the role-based authority privileges for the user. The value is
represented as a bitmask that allows for any combination of privileges values.
Table B-1 describes the allowed bit masks. Table B-2 provides sample
privileges bit masks for users with one or more privileges.
Configuration options: 0x0000000-0x0000fff, and 0x0
Default: 0x0000000
racadm getconfig -g cfgUserAdmin -i 1
# cfgUserAdminIndex=1
# cfgUserAdminPassword=******** (Write-Only)
Table B-1. Bit Masks for User Privileges
User Privilege Privilege Bit Mask
CMC Login User 0x0000001
Chassis Configuration Administrator 0x0000002