User's Manual

416 CMC Property Database Group and Object Definitions
Sets the redundancy policy of the chassis.
Configuration options: 0 (no redundancy), 1 (AC redundancy), 2 (power
supply redundancy).
Default: 0 (no redundancy)
Enables or disables dynamic engagement.
Configuration options: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
Default: 0 (disabled)
# cfgChassisInMaxPowerCapacity
Read only. Indicates the total chassis power budget (in watts) available for
chassis operation.
# cfgChassisInRedundancyReserve
Read only. Indicates the amount of redundant power (in watts) in reserve
that can be utilized in the event of an AC grid or PSU failure. This value is 0
if the Redundancy Policy is set to 0 (no redundancy).
# cfgChassisInPowerServerAllocation
Read only. Indicates (in watts) the cumulative power allocated to servers.
Default: 7928
# cfgChassisInfrastructureInPowerAllocation
Read only. Indicates the estimated cumulative DC output power
consumption (in watts), determined from a field replaceable unit (FRU) on
the hardware modules in the chassis.
# cfgChassisTotalInPowerAvailable
Read only. Indicates the amount of power (in watts) available for use by the