Reference Guide

cfgUserAdminPassword (Write Only)
Description The password for this user. User passwords are encrypted and cannot be seen or
displayed after the property is written.
Legal Values A string of up to 20 ASCII characters.
Default ********
cfgUserAdminEnable (Read/Write)
Description Enables or disables an individual user.
NOTE: You can enable a user for a given index, only if you set the password for
the same user.
Legal Values
1 (TRUE)
This group contains parameters to configure e-mail alerting capabilities. Up to four instances of this group are allowed.
Use this object with the getconfig and config subcommands.
To use this object property, you must have Chassis Configuration Administrator privileges.
NOTE: You can configure any setting that is not preceded by the hash sign (#) in the output. To modify a
configurable object, use the -o option.
The following sections provide information about the objects in the cfgEmailAlert group.
cfgEmailAlertIndex (Read Only)
Description The unique index of an alert instance.
Legal Values 1-4
Default <
cfgEmailAlertEnable (Read/Write)
Description Enables or disables the alert instance.
Legal Values
1 (TRUE)
Default 0