Reference Guide

-i — The -i <
>, or index option, is valid only for indexed groups and can be used to specify
a unique group. The <
> is a decimal integer from 1 through n, where n can vary from 1 to
maximum number of indexes a particular group supports. If -i <
> is not specified, a value
of 1 is assumed for groups, which are tables that have multiple entries. The index is specified
by the index value, not a named value.
-c — The -c, or check option, is used with the config subcommand and allows the user to parse
the .cfg file to locate syntax errors. If issues are found, the line number and a short description
about the issue is displayed. This option is a check-only.
Output This subcommand generates error output for any of the following reasons:
Invalid syntax, group name, object name, index, or other invalid database members.
RACADM CLI failures.
This subcommand returns an indication of the number of configuration objects that were written
out of the total objects in the .cfg file.
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgNicIpAddress
Sets the cfgNicIpAddress configuration parameter (object) to the value This IP
address object is contained in the cfgLanNetworking group.
racadm config -f myrac.cfg.
Configures or reconfigures CMC. The myrac.cfg file may be created from the getconfig
command. This file may also be edited manually as long as the parsing rules are followed.
NOTE: The myrac.cfg file does not contain passwords. To include passwords in the file, you
must enter them manually. If you want to remove password information from the myrac.cfg file
during configuration, use the -p option.
Description Connects to the switch or server serial console.
racadm connect [-b] <server-n>
racadm connect [-b] <switch-n>
Input -b — Connects to the switch or console using the binary mode. This is an optional argument; a
server or a switch must be present.
NOTE: If you use the -b option, reset the CMC to terminate the connect operation.
server-n, where
switch-n, where
Description Configures the static IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and password for the root
user on iDRAC for the specified server.
To use this subcommand, you must have the Server Administrator privilege.