Quick Reference Guide

cfgSerialConsoleNoAuth (Read/Write)
Description Enables or disables the RAC or CMC serial console login
Legal Values
0 (enables serial login authentication)
1 (disables serial login authentication)
Default 0
cfgSerialConsoleCommand (Read/Write)
Description Specifies a serial command that is executed after a user
logs into the serial console interface.
Legal Values
A string representing a valid serial command. For
example, connect server-1.
Default <
Description Specifies the number of columns in the terminal window
command line connected to the serial port. You must log
out, then log in again for the changes to take effect.
NOTE: The prompt counts as two characters.
NOTE: The terminal emulator must be configured
with the line wrap mode ON, if a terminal emulator is
Legal Values 0–256
Default 0 (equivalent to 80)
cfgSerialHistorySize (Read/Write)
Description Specifies the maximum size of the serial history buffer.
Legal Values 0 – 8192
Default 8192
cfgSerialSshEnable (Read/Write)
Description Enables or disables the secure shell (SSH) interface on
Legal Values
1 (TRUE)
Default 1