User's Manual

To enable and set the redundancy policy:
1. Open a serial/Telnet/SSH text console to CMC and log in.
2. Set properties as needed:
To select a redundancy policy, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisRedundancyPolicy <value>
where <value> is 1 (Grid Redundancy), and 2 (Power Supply Redundancy). The default value is 2.
For example, the following command sets the redundancy policy to 1:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisRedundancyPolicy 1
To set the power budget value, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisPowerCap <value>
where <value> is a number between the Current runtime Chassis Burden and 5000, representing
the maximum power limit in Watt. The default is 5000.
For example, the following command sets the maximum power budget to 5000 Watt:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisPowerCap 5000
To enable or disable dynamic PSU engagement, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisDynamicPSUEngagementEnable <value>
where <value> is 0 (disable), 1 (enable). The default is 0.
For example, the following command disables dynamic PSU engagement:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisDynamicPSUEngagementEnable 0
To enable the maximum power consumption mode, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisMaxPowerConservationMode 1
To restore normal operation, type:
racadm config -g cfgChassisPower -o
cfgChassisMaxPowerConservationMode 0
To enable the power remote logging feature, enter the following command:
racadm config -g cfgRemoteHosts -o
cfgRhostsSyslogPowerLoggingEnabled 1
To specify the desired logging interval, enter the following command:
racadm config -g cfgRemoteHosts -o
cfgRhostsSyslogPowerLoggingInterval n
where n is 1-1440 minutes.
To determine if the power remote logging feature is enabled, enter the following command:
racadm getconfig -g cfgRemoteHosts -o
To determine the power remote logging interval, enter the following command:
racadm getconfig -g cfgRemoteHosts -o
The power remote logging feature is dependent on previously configured remote syslog hosts
having been . Logging to one or more remote syslog hosts must be enabled, otherwise power
consumption is logged. This can be done either through the web GUI or the RACADM CLI. For
more information, see the remote syslog configuration instructions.