User's Manual

Setting Description
Starting iDRAC IPv4 Address (Slot 1) Specifies the static IP address of iDRAC in the
server, in slot 1 of the enclosure. The IP address
of each subsequent iDRAC is incremented by 1
for each slot from slot 1's static IP address. In the
case where the IP address plus the slot number
is greater than the subnet mask, an error
message is displayed.
NOTE: The subnet mask and the gateway
are not incremented such as the IP address.
For example, if the starting IP address is and the subnet mask is then the QuickDeploy IP address
for slot 15 is If the subnet mask
is, the QuickDeploy IP
address range is not fully within
QuickDeploy Subnet
error message is
displayed when you click Save QuickDeploy
Settings or Auto-Populate Using QuickDeploy
iDRAC IPv4 Netmask Specifies the QuickDeploy subnet mask that is
assigned to all newly inserted servers.
iDRAC IPv4 Gateway Specifies the QuickDeploy default gateway that
is assigned to all the DRAC present in the
Enable iDRAC IPv6 Enables IPv6 addressing for each iDRAC present
in the chassis that is IPv6 capable.
Enable iDRAC IPv6 Autoconfiguration Enables the iDRAC to obtain IPv6 settings
(address and prefix length) from a DHCPv6
server and also enables stateless address auto
configuration. By default, this option is enabled.
iDRAC IPv6 Gateway Specifies the default IPv6 gateway to be assigned
to the iDRACs. The default value is "::".
iDRAC IPv6 Prefix Length Specifies the prefix length to be assigned for the
IPv6 addresses on the iDRAC. The default value
is 64.