Connectivity Guide

NOTE: iDRAC7 rmware release r1.30.30 or later and iDRAC8 supports SNMP query operations (GET, GETNEXT,
GETBULK) through the SNMPv3 protocol. In addition to supporting query operations through the SNMP v1 and SNMP
v2c protocols, SNMP User Security Model (USM) is supported.
iDRAC SNMP Data Security Features
iDRAC rmware supports the following data security features:
SNMP security lockout feature
iDRAC supports a simply, non-congurable SNMP security lockout feature. If more than six SNMPv3 USM authentication
failures occur within a 2-minute window, then the iDRAC SNMP Agent blocks all subsequent SNMPv3 requests/queries for
10 minutes.
Restriction of access to sensitive data
Some of the MIB data that iDRAC supports can only be accessed via SNMPv3 queries. Access to such data is blocked for
SNMPv1 and SNMPv2c queries.
Currently, the following one attribute, and one table, are considered to be “sensitive” data and have this restriction:
* numLCLogEntries (which has an SNMP OID of:
* lcLogTable (which has an SNMP OID of:
iDRAC Out-of-Band Group
The objects of the Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC) MIB ( iDRAC-SMIv1.mib and iDRAC-SMIv2.mib ) are
organized into subgroups of the iDRAC Out-of-Band Group. The subgroups are:
RAC Information Group
Chassis Information Group
System Information Group
Status Group
System Details Group
Storage Details Group
The following sections document the subgroups and the objects within each subgroup.
RAC Information Group
The RAC Information Group objects provide information about the iDRAC.
Table 167. RAC Name
Object ID
Description This attribute denes the product name of a remote access card.
Syntax StringType
Access Read-only
Table 168. RAC Short Name
Object ID
Description This attribute denes the short product name of a remote access card.
Syntax StringType