Reference Guide

cfgServerDNSRegisterIMC (Read/Write)
Description Enables or disables DNS name registration for the CMC.
Legal Values
1 (enable)
0 (disable)
cfgServerDNSIMCName (Read/Write)
Description Displays the DNS domain name for the CMC.
cfgServerRootPassword (Write Only)
Description Displays the password for CMC as a series of asterisks (*). It cannot be seen or displayed after
this property is written.
cfgServerFirstBootDevice (Read/Write)
Description Sets or displays the rst boot device.
This object is read-write.
NOTE: For a vFlash Partition to be congured as First Boot Device, it has to be attached
rst. When a detached or non-existent VFlash partition or a non-standard boot device is
congured as rst boot device, the following error message is displayed:
Invalid object value
Legal Values
0 = None
0 = Default
4 = PXE
8 = HDD
20 = CD-DVD
24 = BIOS
28 = vFDD
32 = vCD-DVD
40 = SD
44 = RFS
48 = F11
52 = F10
60 = FDD
Default 0 = None
cfgServerBootOnce (Read/Write)
Enables or disables the server boot once feature.