Reference Guide

View the current e-mail alert settings —
racadm getconfig -g cfgEmailAlert -i <index>
where <index> is a number from 1 to 4.
The following tables describe the testfeature subcommand options.
Option Description
-f <feature> Species the feature name. testfeature supports the following features:
ad — Tests Active Directory conguration using simple authentication (user name and
adkrb — Tests Active Directory conguration using the Kerberos authentication.
ldap — Tests LDAP conguration and operation (requires user name and password).
-u < username > The user name specied in an appropriate format for the selected authentication method. That
is, Active Directory users are specied as user_name@domain_name.
-p < password > The password for the indicated user account.
-d < bitmask > A bitmask (specied as a hexadecimal value) to select various diagnostic messaging levels. This
option is optional.
NOTE: -d option is not supported with the remote racadm interface.
testfeature -f ad
Tests Active Directory conguration using simple authentication (user name and password). Use
the optional -d switch to obtain additional diagnostic information, as needed.
This subcommand when executed performs the following:
Checks command syntax.
Veries whether the required system resources are available.
Validates Active Directory conguration.
Veries the SSL certicate and if the certicate signing request (key) exists.
Acquires LDAP and Global Catalog Service records from DNS.
Acquires user privileges from the Active Directory server.
Checks the time to acquire user privileges with the allotted time to login.
NOTE: In the event of an error, the command displays the test that failed, all the tests
performed earlier to the test that failed, and all the error messages.
testfeature -f ad -u <username> -p <password> [-d <diagnostic-
testfeature –f ad –u user@domain –p secret
SUCCESSFUL: User permissions are xxxxxppp.
The last three digits are the user's permissions.
testfeature –f adkrb –u user_name@domain_name
SUCCESSFUL: User permissions are 80000fff.
testfeature -f ldap -u harold -p barrel