Users Guide

Table Of Contents
Configure public key authentication over SSH
You can configure up to six public keys that can be used with the service username over an SSH interface. Before adding or
deleting public keys, make sure to use the view command to see what keys are already set up, so that a key is not accidentally
overwritten or deleted. The service username is a special user account that can be used when accessing the CMC through SSH.
When the PKA over SSH is set up and used correctly, you need not enter username or passwords to log in to the CMC. This can
be very useful to set up automated scripts to perform various functions.
NOTE: There is no GUI support for managing this feature, you can use only the RACADM.
When adding new public keys, make sure that the existing keys are not already at the index, where the new key is added. CMC
does not perform checks to ensure previous keys are deleted before a new one is added. As soon as a new key is added, it is
automatically in effect as long as the SSH interface is enabled.
When using the public key comment section of the public key, remember that only the first 16 characters are utilized by the
CMC. The public key comment is used by the CMC to distinguish SSH users when using the RACADM getssninfo command,
because all the PKA users use the service username to log in.
For example, if two public keys are set up one with comment PC1 and one with comment PC2:
racadm getssninfo
Type User IP Address Login
SSH PC1 x.x.x.x 06/16/2009
SSH PC2 x.x.x.x 06/16/2009
For more information about the sshpkauth, see the Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s Command Line
Reference Guide.
Configuring terminal emulation software
CMC supports a serial text console that can be launched using any terminal emulation software. Following are the examples of
terminal emulation software that can used to connect to CMC.
1. Linux Minicom
2. Hilgraveves HyperTerminal for Windows
Connect one end of the serial null modem cable (present at both ends) to the serial connector on the back of the chassis.
Connect the other end of the cable to management station serial port. For more information on connecting cables, refer to the
back panel of the chassis in Chassis Overview section.
Configure your terminal emulation software with the following parameters:
Baud rate: 115200
Port: COM1
Data: 8 bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1 bit
Hardware flow control: Yes
Software flow control: No
Connecting to servers or Input Output module using
Connect command
CMC can establish a connection to redirect the serial console of a server or I/O module.
For servers, serial console redirection can be accomplished using:
CMC command line interface (CLI) or the RACADM connect command. For more information about running the RACADM
commands, see the Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s RACADM Command Line Reference Guide.
iDRAC Web interface serial console redirection feature.
iDRAC Serial Over LAN (SOL) functionality.
Configuring CMC to use Command Line consoles