Users Guide

Table Of Contents
For an IPv6 network, to disable the Autoconfiguration feature and specify a static CMC IPv6 address, gateway, and prefix
length, type:
racadm config -g cfgIPv6LanNetworking -o
cfgIPv6AutoConfig 0
racadm config -g cfgIPv6LanNetworking -o
cfgIPv6Address <IPv6 address>
racadm config -g cfgIPv6LanNetworking -o
cfgIPv6PrefixLength 64
racadm config -g cfgIPv6LanNetworking -o
cfgIPv6Gateway <IPv6 address>
Configuring IPv4 and IPv6 DNS settings
CMC Registration To register the CMC on the DNS server, type:
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o
cfgDNSRegisterRac 1
NOTE: Some DNS servers only register names of 31 characters or fewer. Make sure the designated name is within the
DNS required limit.
NOTE: The following settings are valid only if you have registered the CMC on the DNS server by setting
cfgDNSRegisterRac to 1.
CMC Name By default, the CMC name on the DNS server is cmc-<service tag>. To change the CMC name on the DNS
server, type:
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o cfgDNSRacName <name>
where < name > is a string of up to 63 alphanumeric characters and hyphens. For example: cmc-1, d-345.
If a DNS Domain name is not specified then the maximum number of characters is 63. If a domain name is
specified then the number of characters in CMC name plus the number of characters in the DNS Domain Name must be
less than or equal to 63 characters.
DNS Domain Name The default DNS domain name is a single blank character. To set a DNS domain name, type:
racadm config -g cfgLanNetworking -o
cfgDNSDomainName <name>
where < name > is a string of up to 254 alphanumeric characters and hyphens. For example: p45, a-tz-1, r-id-001.
Configuring auto negotiation, duplex mode, and
network speed for IPv4 and IPv6
When enabled, the auto negotiation feature determines whether the CMC automatically sets the duplex mode and network
speed by communicating with the nearest router or switch. By default, auto negotiation feature is enabled.
You can disable auto negotiation and specify the duplex mode and network speed by typing:
racadm config -g cfgNetTuning -o cfgNetTuningNicAutoneg 0
racadm config -g cfgNetTuning -o cfgNetTuningNicFullDuplex <duplex mode>
< duplex mode > is 0 (half duplex) or 1 (full duplex, default)
racadm config -g cfgNetTuning -o cfgNetTuningNicSpeed <speed>
Configuring CMC