Users Guide

验证 FlexAddress 激活
要查看 FlexAddress 功能的激活状态,请运行以下 RACADM 命令:
racadm featurecard -s
Feature Name = FlexAddress
Date/time Activated = 05 Oct 2013 - 11:50:49
Feature installed from SD-card serial number = CN0H871T1374036T00MXA00
Feature Name = FlexAddressPlus
Date/time Activated = 05 Oct 2013 - 11:50:49
Feature installed from SD-card serial number = CN0H871T1374036T00MXA00
Feature Name = ExtendedStorage
Current Status = redundant, active
Date/time Activated = 05 Oct 2013 - 11:50:58
Feature installed from SD-card serial number = CN0H871T1374036T00MXA00
如果机箱中没有活动的功能,则此命令将返回消息:racadm feature -s No features active on the chassis
racadm feature -s
No features active on the chassis
要查看 SD 卡信息:
$ racadm featurecard -s
Active CMC:
The feature card inserted is valid, serial number CN0H871T1374036T00MXA00
The feature card contains the following feature(s)
FlexAddress: bound
FlexAddressPlus: bound
ExtendedStorage: bound
. 25: featurecard -s 命令返回的状态消息
状态消息 操作
No feature card inserted.
检查 CMC 以验证 SD 卡是否正确插入。
The feature card inserted is valid and
contains the following feature(s)
FlexAddress: bound.
The feature card inserted is valid and
contains the following feature(s)
FlexAddress: bound to another chassis,
svctag=ABC1234, SD card SN = 1122334455.
移除 SD 卡;找到当前机箱的 SD 卡并进行安装。
The feature card inserted is valid and
contains the following feature(s)
FlexAddress: not bound.
前机箱上重新激活,请输入 racadm racreset,直到安装了
功能卡的 CMC 模块变为活动为止。
Dell 功能卡可包含多个的功能。一旦 Dell 功能卡上的所有功能都已在一个机箱上激活,则 Dell 功能卡上所有其他功能都不能在
其他机箱上激活。在此情况下,racadm feature -s 命令会显示受到影响的功能的以下消息:
ERROR: One or more features on the SD card are active on another chassis
有关 feature featurecard 命令的更多信息,请参阅 Dell Chassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s
RACADM Command Line Reference GuideChassis Management Controller for PowerEdge FX2/FX2s 命令行参考指南)。
停用 FlexAddress
使用 RACADM 命令可以停用 FlexAddress 功能,并将 SD 卡还原到安装前的状态。Web 界面中没有停用功能。停用功能会将
SD 卡还原到原始状态,以便可以在另一个机箱上安装并激活。在此语境中,FlexAddress 一词指 FlexAddress