Quick Reference Guide

CMC Property Database Group and Object Definitions 127
NOTE: Use this object with the config or getconfig subcommands.
NOTE: To use this object property, you must have Chassis Configuration
Administrator privilege.
NOTE: You can configure any setting that is not preceded by the hash sign (#) in the
output. To modify a configurable object, use the -o option.
Displays information for and configures a server in the chassis.
# cfgServerInfoIndex
Read only. Displays the index name of the server.
# cfgServerSlotNumber
Read only. Specifies the location of the specified server (1–16) in the chassis.
# cfgServerServiceTag
Read only. Displays the service tag of the specified server.
Specifies the name of the specified server.
Configuration options: String of alphanumeric characters, periods, and
dashes; maximum of 15 characters.
Default: SLOT-<
slot number
# cfgServerBmcMacAddress
Read only. Displays the BMC MAC address of the specified server.
# cfgServerNic1MacAddress
Read only. Displays the MAC address of the server NIC.
# cfgServerNic2MacAddress
Read only. Displays the MAC address of the server NIC.