Quick Reference Guide

150 Using the LCD Panel Interface
Critical Mem Overtemp: Memory sensor,
correctable ECC <DIMM
Location> was asserted
Memory module overheating
Critical Mem Fatal SB CRC: Memory
sensor, uncorrectable ECC was
South bridge memory failed
Critical Mem Fatal NB CRC: Memory
sensor, uncorrectable ECC was
North bridge memory failed
Critical WatchDog Timer: Watchdog
sensor, reboot was asserted
Watch dog timer cause system to
Critical WatchDog Timer: Watchdog
sensor, timer expired was asserted
Watch dog timer expired but no
action taken
Warning Link Tuning: Version Change
sensor, successful software or F/W
change was deasserted
Failed to update link tuning
setting for proper NIC operation
Warning Link Tuning: Version Change
sensor, successful hardware change
<device slot number> was
Failed to update link tuning
setting for proper NIC operation
Critical LinkT/ FlexAddr: Link Tuning
sensor, failed to program virtual
MAC address (Bus # Device #
Function #) was asserted
FlexAddress could not be
programmed for this device
Critical LinkT/ FlexAddr: Link Tuning
sensor, device option ROM failed
to support link tuning or flex
address (Mezz <location>) was
Option ROM does not support
FlexAddress or link tuning.
Critical LinkT/ FlexAddr: Link Tuning
sensor, failed to get link tuning or
flex address data from
BMC/iDRAC was asserted
Failed to obtain linking tuning or
FlexAddress information from
Table 4-8. Server Status Screen (continued)
Severity Message Cause