Quick Reference Guide

58 RACADM Subcommands
Displays the system event log (SEL, also called the hardware log) entries. The
default output display shows the record number, timestamp, severity, and
description of each event.
racadm getsel [-i]
racadm getsel [-s <
start record
>] [-c <
>] [-m]
NOTE: The -A and -o options do not generate additional output and are supported
to provide backward compatibility for existing scripts.
Table 2-20 describes the getsel subcommand options.
racadm getsel -i
Total Records: 28
racadm getsel -s 1 -c 1
Sun Sep 16 02:51:11 2007 normal Server Blade 12
Presence module sensor for Server Blade, device
inserted was asserted
NOTE: To use this subcommand, you must have CMC Login User privilege.
Table 2-20. getsel Subcommand Options
Option Description
-s <start record> Specifies the starting record used for the display
-c <count> Provides the maximum count of entries to be returned.
Displays the number of entries in the CMC log.
-m Displays one screen of information at a time and prompts the
user to continue to next screen (similar to the UNIX more