User's Manual

102 Using the CMC Web Interface
Gray - IOM is present and not powered on. It is not communicating
with the CMC and there is no indication of an adverse condition.
Use the cursor to hover over an individual IOM subgraphic and a
corresponding text hint or screen tip is displayed. The text hint provides
additional information on that IOM.
The IOM subgraphic is hyperlinked to the corresponding CMC GUI page
to provide immediate navigation to the
I/O Module Status
associated with that IOM.
The I/O Modules Status page provides overviews of all IOMs associated with
the chassis. For instructions on viewing IOM health through the Web
interface or RACADM, see "Monitoring IOM Health" on page 288.
Viewing the Health Status of the Fans
NOTE: During updates of CMC or iDRAC firmware on a server, some or all of the fan
units in the chassis spin at 100%. This is normal.
The health status of the fans can be viewed in two ways: from the Chassis
Graphics section on the Chassis Status page or the Fans Status page. The
Chassis Graphics page provides a graphical overview of all fans installed in
the chassis. To view health status for all fans using Chassis Graphics:
Log in to the CMC Web interface.
Chassis Status
page is displayed. The right section of
depicts the rear view of the chassis and contains the health status
of all fans. Fan health status is indicated by the color of the fan subgraphic:
Green - fan is present, powered on and communicating with the
CMC; there is no indication of an adverse condition.
Amber - fan is present, but may or may not be powered on, or may or
may not be communicating with the CMC; an adverse condition may
Gray - fan is present and not powered on. It is not communicating
with the CMC and there is no indication of an adverse condition.
Use the cursor to hover over the an individual fan subgraphic and a
corresponding text hint or screen tip is displayed. The text hint provides
additional information on that fan.
The fan subgraphic is hyperlinked to the corresponding CMC GUI page to
provide immediate navigation to the
Fans Status