User's Manual

132 Using the CMC Web Interface
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View Active Directory CA Certificate
click Refresh.
To print the contents of the
View Active Directory CA Certificate
page, click
Securing CMC Communications Using SSL and
Digital Certificates
This subsection provides information about the following data security
features that are incorporated in your CMC:
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
Accessing the SSL main menu
Generating a new CSR
Uploading a server certificate
Viewing a server certificate
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
The CMC includes a Web server that is configured to use the industry-
standard SSL security protocol to transfer encrypted data over the Internet.
Built upon public-key and private-key encryption technology, SSL is a widely
accepted technique for providing authenticated and encrypted
communication between clients and servers to prevent eavesdropping across a
SSL allows an SSL-enabled system to perform the following tasks:
Authenticate itself to an SSL-enabled client
Allow the client to authenticate itself to the server
Allow both systems to establish an encrypted connection
Valid From Certificate issue date.
Valid To Certificate expiration date.
Table 5-16. Active Directory CA Certificate Information (continued)
Field Description