User's Manual

Using the CMC Web Interface 167
For additional information, click the
link and review "Using
FlexAddress" on page 173.
Configuring FlexAddress
If you purchase FlexAddress with your chassis, it will be installed and active
when you power up your system. If you purchase FlexAddress separately, you
must install the SD feature card using the instructions in the Chassis
Management Controller (CMC) Secure Digital (SD) Card Technical
Specification document. See for this document.
The server must be off before you begin configuration. You can enable or
disable FlexAddress on a per fabric basis. Additionally, you can enable/disable
the feature on a per slot basis. After you enable the feature on a per-fabric
basis, you can then select slots to be enabled. For example, if Fabric-A is
enabled, any slots that are enabled will have FlexAddress enabled only on
Fabric-A. All other fabrics will use the factory-assigned WWN/MAC on the
Selected slots will be FlexAddress enabled for all fabrics that are enabled. For
example, it is not possible to enable Fabric-A and B, and have Slot 1 be
FlexAddress enabled on Fabric-A but not on Fabric-B.
NOTE: You can also configure FlexAddress using the command line interface. For
more command information, see "Using FlexAddress" on page 173.
Chassis-Level Fabric and Slot FlexAddress Configuration
At the chassis level, you can enable or disable the FlexAddress feature for
fabrics and slots. FlexAddress is enabled on a per-fabric basis and then slots
will be selected for participation in the feature. Both fabrics and slots must be
enabled to successfully configure FlexAddress.
Perform the following steps to enable or disable fabrics and slots to use the
FlexAddress feature:
Log on to the Web interface (see "Accessing the CMC Web Interface" on
page 87).
in the system tree.
Click the
tab. The
General Setup
page appears. Click
. The
Deploy FlexAddress
page is displayed.