User's Manual

288 I/O Fabric Management
For information about the CMC and hardware logs, see "Viewing the Event
Logs" on page 315.
Fresh Power-up Scenario
When the chassis is plugged in and powered up, the I/O modules have
priority over the servers. The first IOM in each group is allowed to power up
before the others. At this time, no verification of their fabric types is
performed. If there is no IOM on the first slot of a group, the module on the
second slot of that group powers up. If both slots have IOMs, the module in
the second slot is compared for consistency against the one in the first.
After the IOMs power up, the servers power up, and the CMC verifies the
servers for fabric consistency
A pass-through module and switch are allowed in the same group as long as
their fabric is identical. Switches and pass-through modules can exist in the
same group even if they are manufactured by different vendors.
Monitoring IOM Health
The health status for the IOMs can be viewed in two ways: from the Chassis
Graphics section on the Chassis Status page or the I/O Modules Status page.
The Chassis Graphics page provides a graphical overview of the IOMs
installed in the chassis.
To view health status of the IOMs using Chassis Graphics:
Log in to the CMC Web interface.
Chassis Status
page is displayed. The right section of
depicts the rear view of the chassis and contains the health status
for the IOMs. IOM health status is indicated by the color of the IOM
Green - IOM is present, powered on and communicating with the
CMC; there is no indication of an adverse condition.
Amber - IOM is present, but may or may not be powered on, or may or
may not be communicating with the CMC; an adverse condition may
Gray - IOM is present and not powered on. It is not communicating
with the CMC and there is no indication of an adverse condition.